Database Migration

Manual Migration via CLI

  1. If you are populating a fresh database then you’ll need to run a migration. to get some data. See the Vapor docs for details.

    swift run Run migrate [--yes]

    Example output:

    [0/0] Build complete!
    [ NOTICE ] Starting up in Development mode.
    The following migration(s) will be prepared:
    + App.SetInitialCategoryForumCounts on psql
    Would you like to continue?
    [ INFO ] Starting registration code import [database-id: psql]
    [ INFO ] Starting boardgame import [database-id: psql]
    [ INFO ] Imported 25000 karaoke songs. [database-id: psql]
    Migration successful

Manual Migration via Docker

  1. If you set AUTO_MIGRATE to false in your config and wish to perform a manual migration, you can do this by calling: scripts/ -e development run web /app/Run migrate --yes
  2. Then you can restart the initial container that was created and died because there was no DB for it at the time. scripts/ -e development restart web