Linux Installation


  1. You will need an instance of PostgreSQL (postgres) and Redis. It is HIGHLY recommended to use the Dockerized instances provided by scripts/docker-compose-instance.yml and its wrapper (scripts/ If you want natively-installed instances of these applications you are on your own.

  2. Several packages and libraries are required. Install these with your package manager.

    Fedora: gd-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel swift-lang
    Ubuntu: libgd-dev libjpeg-dev swiftlang (requires 3rd party repo)


  1. Create your own development.env in Sources/swiftarr/seeds/Private Swiftarr Config. See Configuration for details.


  1. From the root of this repo: swift build


  1. Ensure that the prereqs from above are running.

    ~ # scripts/ up -d postgres redis
    Creating network "swiftarr_default" with the default driver
    Creating swiftarr_instance_postgres_1 ... done
    Creating swiftarr_instance_redis_1    ... done
  2. If you are populating a fresh database then you’ll need to run a migration. to get some data. See the Vapor docs for details.

    swift run Run migrate --yes

    Example output:

    [0/0] Build complete!
    [ NOTICE ] Starting up in Development mode.
    The following migration(s) will be prepared:
    + App.SetInitialCategoryForumCounts on psql
    Would you like to continue?
    [ INFO ] Starting registration code import [database-id: psql]
    [ INFO ] Starting boardgame import [database-id: psql]
    [ INFO ] Imported 25000 karaoke songs. [database-id: psql]
    Migration successful
  3. Run the server!

    swift run

    You should see a line akin to Server starting on which tells you where to point your web browser.